Strategic Facilitation

“Strategic Facilitation”

That’s what my client calls it.  The executive described the situation as this…

I have a strategic objective to put in to place in the coming months.  We are going to combine two units into one larger group.  One problem is that the two groups are really anxious about working with each other.  Another problem is that each group has some of its own issues to work on as well.   I need them to come together, to support a vision for the future, to co-create the processes needed to make this a reality, and
 I need them to keep doing their day jobs at the same time.

I need someone who can come in and work with each team, get the teams to work together and do it within the timelines we have already established.  And if you have any advice for me about how I help them, that would be great too.

Facilitation of teams, design of meetings, and support to leadership so that strategic goals can be achieved within a timely manner


    • It doesn’t follow a ‘one size fits all’ formula; there is no guidebook that tells you have to do it
  • It’s more than leadership coaching, more than meeting facilitation, and more than team development, but draws upon all of those as needed
  • It’s about working in close partnership with a leader to make the right things happen


You have a strategic objective that depends upon people, teams and coordinated action.

We can help that happen.