
Public School System.

For more than one year I have coached the Superintendent of a large school system.  With more than 30,000 students, a contentious union relationship and a volatile school board, I have helped this executive shape a message of change for the future; identify tactics to manage the conflict within the system, and transform the way the senior administrative team supports this executive.


Higher Eduction

Imagine being the Dean of Students at a residential college.  Your daily focus is the health, welfare and experience of thousands of students.  Parents have entrusted their children into your hands, students are discovering themselves and their future, and a thriving community is buzzing 24/7.

Now imagine you have mastered that challenge for years, have built an Office of the Dean, where students feel respected and engaged, where services are tailored to the needs of the current population, and where the balance of student freedom and academic discipline is a just one of the ongoing tensions you manage.  My client was considered by many to be the best Dean of Students they had ever known.  But the Dean was so committed to meeting the demands of the moment, he never got around to building a strategic plan or fostering an institutional vision of the future.   Should it matter?  Do you count you blessings of the present and hope the future will take care of itself?  The  President of a private college engaged me to explore this issue with him and with the Dean.

Read the story…

Public Sector 1