Publications by Marc


During 2010 and 2011, I published more than 70 original posts on my blog, BestCustomerConnection (  The focus is on organizational dynamics that make is possible or impossible to delight customers; topics span customer experience and brand behavior, engagement of employees at the frontlines of customer service, management of frontline employees and customer service units, alignment of functional leadership across the enterprise, the challenge of creating a customer-centric culture, and the potential of technology and organizational structure to impact customer experience.



Helsing, J., Sokol, M., Peterson, D. (2008). Impact without authority: What successful people know.  Minneapolis, MN.  Personnel Decisions International.

Hill, C., Leonard, S., Sokol, M. (2006).  Action learning guide: Real learning, real results.  Minneapolis, MN. Personnel Decisions International.


Sokol, M. (2012). Developing polarity thinking in global leaders: An illustration. Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, 5, (in press).

Sokol, M. (Jan 2009).  Learning in a tough economy.  Chief Learning Officer, 8 (1), 20-24.

Callahan, J., Helsing, J. and Sokol, M. (2005).  Development is more than just training: Chart your course to excellence.  Velocity, 7 (1), 26-29.

Sokol, M. (Winter, 2001).  Managing change ‘across the pond’ – What helps (and what doesn’t).  British American Business, Inc., 28-29.

Sokol, M. (Spring, 2001).  Expatriate adjustment?  Learning to ride the roller coaster.  British American Business, Inc., 10.

Sokol, M. (1997).  Consultant’s tool kit: personal lessons of experience.  Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 49 (2), 96-107.

Sokol, M. (1997).  Introduction (Guest editor, Two-part special issue on Change Management).  Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 49 (1), 3-5.

Sokol, M. (1994).  Adaptation to difficult designs: facilitating use of new technology.  Journal of Business and Psychology, 8 (3), 277-96.

Patten, K., Rockowitz, S., Sokol, M. (1994).  Telecommuting: matching customer needs to technology.  Management of Technology, Volume 4.  Norcross, GA: Institute of Industrial Engineers.

Sokol, M. and Aiello, J. (1993). Implications for team focused stress management training.  Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 45 (4),  1-10.

Sokol, M. (1992). Time Boundaries, task commitment and the illusion of group immortality.  Consulting Psychology Journal:  Practice and Research, 44 (3), 28-32.

Sokol, M. (1992).  Service initiatives for the adoption of new technology.  Management of Technology, Volume 3.  Norcross, GA:  Institute of Industrial Engineers.

Sokol, M. and Cohen, D. (1992).  Group calendar: celebrating significant events.  In, The 1992 annual: developing human resources.  San Diego: University Associates.

Sokol, M. (1991). Consulting skills for organizational research.  In, The manager’s handbook of psychology.  J. Jones, Steffy & Brad (Eds.)  Lexington Books

Iyer, R. and Sokol, M. (1991).  Improving a customer satisfaction survey process.  In, Human factors and behavioral sciences symposium ‘91: proceedings.  AT&T Bell Laboratories, Holmdel, NJ.

Smith, K., Neumann, D. and Sokol, M. (January 1986).  Industrial unrest: new opportunities for organizational learning.   Personnel.

Sokol, M. and Louis, M. (1984).  Career transitions and life event adaptation:  integrating alternative perspectives on role transition.  In, V. Allen & E. van de Vliert (Eds.)  Role transitions: explorations and explanations.   New York: Plenum.

Sokol, M. and Hurwitz, J. (1982).  Evaluation: a necessity for quality circle growth and survival.  The quality circles journal, 3 (August), 15-20.

Contact me for more detail on any of these publications.”