Here are some examples or organizational effectiveness in action:
How does a company with operations distributed around the world begin to really act like a global firm? It’s one thing to establish operations around the world and manage through regional sites, cooperating only when convenient. It’s another thing to actually coordinate and manage as a truly global business.
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How do you effectively combine two professional health services departments to create a new institution with the best of both worlds? What if the members of each school start out concerned about losing what they most value from their current professional department? Before you can create a new school, you have to shape a compelling vision of the future. But if you want to create a vision that each group really can commit to, you must first discover enough common ground for the two teams to want to build a future together.
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How do you engage employees to foster a culture of customer service and innovation? We know that engaged employees will strive to create more powerful customer experience. So how can you harness employee experience toward this goal? How can you help your best employees become advocates of employee engagement? Read the story…
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